Category: Conservation

  • How long do box jellyfish live – Box jellyfish lifespan

    How long do box jellyfish live – Box jellyfish lifespan

    The box jellyfish, also known as the Cubozoa, is an intriguing organism that has long been admired for its remarkable biological features. Although the box jellyfish displays some of the most advanced locomotion patterns of any living creature, its lifespan has long been shrouded in mystery. In this article, we will unravel the mystery of…

  • What Eats Box Jellyfish | Box Jellyfish Predators

    What Eats Box Jellyfish | Box Jellyfish Predators

    Box jellyfish are poisonous, but not dangerous, to consume–at least for some marine predators. Sea animals are very intelligent as they start eating the bizarre meal from its head first followed by the delicate tentacles. A leatherback sea turtle is one such animal that often eats box jellyfish very carefully. Box jellyfish are pelagic macroinvertebrates…