Category: Anatomy

  • What do box jellyfish look like – Box jellyfish Appearance

    What do box jellyfish look like – Box jellyfish Appearance

    The box jellyfish has an alien-like appearance. A cube shaped body starts the creature’s design and four separate tentacles sling out from each corner of the box. Filled with stinging cells and deadly venom, this box’s tentacles are not something to trifle with!

  • How many Eyes do Box Jellyfish have – How many Eyes does a Box Jellyfish have

    How many Eyes do Box Jellyfish have – How many Eyes does a Box Jellyfish have

    Have you ever wondered How many Eyes do Box Jellyfish have? The number of eyes of Box Jellyfish are really going to astonish you. Make a wild guess as to how many eyes does it have. The visual system of the box jellyfish have been of particular interest for scientist and researchers. We have gathered some really…

  • How Big do Box Jellyfish Get – Size of Box Jelly Fish

    How Big do Box Jellyfish Get – Size of Box Jelly Fish

    Have you ever wondered How Big do Box Jellyfish Get? The size of box jellyfish can get quite large when compared to humans. We have gathered information about the size of box jellyfish and some pictures so that you can have a clear idea about how big do box jellyfish get. How Big do Box Jellyfish Get…

  • Do Box Jellyfish have Eyes? | Box Jellyfish Eyes

    Do Box Jellyfish have Eyes? | Box Jellyfish Eyes

    The box jellyfish has surprisingly stereotypic set of 24 eyes with each rhopalium carrying 6 eyes of four different types. Although the jellyfish eyes do not form images the way our eyes do but they are highly sensitive to light and are equipped with cornea, lenses, and retinas. The nueropil (a network of nerve fibers)…

  • Do Box Jellyfish have Brains | Box Jellyfish Brain

    Do Box Jellyfish have Brains | Box Jellyfish Brain

    No the box jellyfish is probably the only animal without brains. It possesses a network of nerves—a net that helps the jelly to be sensitive to the changes in the external environment. As it turns out, the box jellyfish doesn’t have the central nervous system. However it does possess have a nervous system (decentralized network).…