• Australian Box Jellyfish Facts | Nature’s Deadliest Creature

    Australian Box Jellyfish Facts | Nature’s Deadliest Creature

    The northern Australian box jellyfish (Chironex fleckeri) is truly nature’s deadliest marine invertebrate. Its highly venomous sting causes a human death in as little time as 3 to 5 minutes. If a human is stung by C. fleckeri he must immediately seek medical attention before it is all too late. The C. fleckeri has a…

  • Do Box Jellyfish have Eyes? | Box Jellyfish Eyes

    Do Box Jellyfish have Eyes? | Box Jellyfish Eyes

    The box jellyfish has surprisingly stereotypic set of 24 eyes with each rhopalium carrying 6 eyes of four different types. Although the jellyfish eyes do not form images the way our eyes do but they are highly sensitive to light and are equipped with cornea, lenses, and retinas. The nueropil (a network of nerve fibers)…

  • What Eats Box Jellyfish | Box Jellyfish Predators

    What Eats Box Jellyfish | Box Jellyfish Predators

    Box jellyfish are poisonous, but not dangerous, to consume–at least for some marine predators. Sea animals are very intelligent as they start eating the bizarre meal from its head first followed by the delicate tentacles. A leatherback sea turtle is one such animal that often eats box jellyfish very carefully. Box jellyfish are pelagic macroinvertebrates…

  • Do Box Jellyfish have Brains | Box Jellyfish Brain

    Do Box Jellyfish have Brains | Box Jellyfish Brain

    No the box jellyfish is probably the only animal without brains. It possesses a network of nerves—a net that helps the jelly to be sensitive to the changes in the external environment. As it turns out, the box jellyfish doesn’t have the central nervous system. However it does possess have a nervous system (decentralized network).…

  • Box Jellyfish Sting Facts | Deadliest Sting

    Box Jellyfish Sting Facts | Deadliest Sting

    While it may seem like a cute sea wasp with inverted delicate tentacles jellyfish is surely the world’s most venomous marine creature. However bizarre they may look box jellyfish are as deadly as nobody. These seemingly innocuous creatures are also called marine stingers. Yes, it’s true the box jellyfish’s sting is not only highly painful…

  • Box Jellyfish Season Australia

    Box Jellyfish Season Australia

    It is difficult to know the precise months in which box jellies occur in large number in the Australian waters, but the months of October to November and April to May are the peak seasons of marine killers. In the northern Australia, box jellyfish probably emerge in October with the arrival of winter season and ends…